

Healing is God's ceaseless work.

Endlessly he desires our wholeness, our perfection in love.
Lawn view
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The Sozein Trust is situated in pleasant countryside, with the desire to serve and love God, by welcoming and attending to people who are poorly: physically, mentally or spiritually.

Many folk like to think that the church can produce physical healing of diseased or damaged bodies. Whilst this occasionally happens it is not the core work of the church’s ministry of healing. The core work is encouraging both groups and individuals to seek, and grow in co-operating with, the will of God. Through prayer and childlike, expectant trust we allow God “to love
Vicarage rear
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the hell out of us” so that our actions become more charitable and less destructive. Healing is the salvaging and reforming of all that is awry and disordered in us, and outside us, so that it may be claimed for the universal body of Christ.

“Here”, as a Chairman of the Trustees said, “people meet their real selves and discover what it is to love themselves and be loved by others and by God. By the gently strong work of the
Sitting room
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Spirit of God broken hearts are bound together, captives are released and people who feel themselves to be imprisoned are set free.”

The Sozein Trust is for any who feel the need of a listener, prayer help or a place to be alone with God. We have  a library for individuals or groups and a small chapel. Holy Communion is celebrated by arrangement.

Coming Next

On Tuesday May 6, we have our next Quiet Day. The theme is 'Nuns I have Loved’ and the day is led by Mr Pete Vause from 10a.m - 4.00p.m.

What We Do

Healing Eucharists: By arrangement, with simple lunch. Please book.

Retreats, Quiet Days and teaching for clergy and laity, individuals and groups.

Attending to distressed people needing spiritual support.

Spiritual Accompaniment.

A Day Library resourcing the Ministry of Healing, Christian Spirituality and Mysticism.

Sozein is available to parish teams and individuals seeking help in the Christian healing ministry.

A leaflet is available that gives general information about the Sozein Trust

Also available is a leaflet on Healing and Spirituality
Note to visitors: Click on headings with a green arrow for more information - click again to hide.
Please note that all pictures on the main pages are of the Sozein Trust.

Special Notices


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Sozein is a registered charity No. 1044449