Night Thoughts

Meditations for last thing
at Night


Martin Israel.

Bless the Lord, my soul;
    my innermost heart, bless his holy name.
Bless the Lord, my soul,
    and forget none of his benefits.
                    Psalm 103.1-2

Almighty God,
by whose grace we are sustained day by day,
grant that we may serve thy church in continuous prayer
and thy people in unfailing service,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord,
who lives and reigns
with thee and the Holy Spirit,
now and for ever.

Prayer for Holy Trinity Church,
Martin Israel


This group of meditations is designed for reading towards the end of the day, when the various events have had time to make their impression and given us cause to reflect more deeply on the course of our life as mirrored in the microcosm of the passing scene. They are not designed merely to soothe and send to sleep, valuable as this function is. They are also here to challenge us about the truth which underlies our attitudes and actions. When we proceed fearlessly about this business of clear confrontation we find, much to our relief, that the way is radiantly expectant, firmly based on the love of God for his creatures and his patient striving for their resurrection to eternal life. This is the perfection which Jesus demands of us; a perfection of love that cares for everything around us so that finally all is brought back to the Creator intact and entire.

It is when we are in this frame of mind that sleep is not only a welcome period of oblivion from the troubles that encompass us, but also a time of renewal when we shall awake refreshed and heartened, ready to carry on what life has in store for us the next day.

Meditation 1
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